Renowned investigators of the paranormal, Ed and Lorraine Warren, endure hell on earth in an attempt to save a desperate family from the torment of a sinister presence. In a secluded farmhouse nestled within Harrisville, Rhode Island, the Perron family, composed of Roger, Carolynn, and their five daughters, move in eager to start a new life close to the coast. In their settlement, subtle peculiarities become noticed when the family dog refuses to enter the house, spending nights outside barking at something unknown to the Perrons. When the sun rises the next morning, Carolynn awakes to shockingly find a bruise on her body and discovers the corpse of Sadie, the dog. This proves to only just be the beginning of the horrors inflicted upon the family as events become worse with daughters’ feet being grabbed, attacked by an entity in the appearance of an elderly woman, and picture frames becoming thrown off the wall, shattering glass at the bottom of the stairs.
With the aid of the Warrens, the morbid history of the house is revealed when its previous owner had been Bathsheba, a witch, who had slaughtered her infant for satanic sacrifice before climbing a large tree on the property, cursing any who dared to take her land, professing her love to Satan, and finally hanging herself. The plot increases as Carolynn becomes possessed by Batsheba’s spirit, urging Carolynn to slaughter her children. However, with the help of Lorraine, a sentimental moment occurs as Lorraine reminds Carolynn how much her children mean to her, releasing her from Bathsheba’s grasp.
In personal analysis, this movie retains to being one of the most terrifyingly exciting films to have premiered on global screens. This film, as best as it can, refers to the genuine history and experiences that spark the production of the storyline. By following the life events of the Perron family and the work of the Warrens, The Conjuring captures the utter fear and havoc of threats from the other side. Clever factors of enhanced sound, gruesome makeup, and scenes of anticipation leave you to cringe and cower in your seat.
Fanatics everywhere seem to agree that the movie and its franchise date to be masterpieces within the universe of horror. Senior Jackie Castillo raves about her love for the thrilling fabrics of this renowned film.
“ Some people might think it’s not a masterpiece, but I do,” Castillo says. “It’s a quality horror movie worth the watch for people who love haunted house flicks”.
With a movie of great qualities, it ensures that its viewers will gain fond, or terrifying, memories once they walk out of the theater. Many viewers prefer to watch with friends or loved ones to dilute the spooky atmosphere, giving the film a diverse and sentimental meaning. Junior Shelly Brown expresses their enjoyment of the film simply due to the company of friends.
“I like this movie because I have good memories with it since I watched it with friends at my birthday party”, they explain, “any part that was a jumpscare ended with us laughing as we made jokes throughout the movie.”
While several claim this movie to reign high above any other modern horror film, others declare otherwise. Senior Jade Taylor provides her input on how the film, as good as it is, sits lower in the ranks.
“It’s far from a masterpiece”, Taylor argues, “I love the cinematography and think it sets an eerie vibe that the whole theater can feel!! However, the scares are tropey and I wish they were a bit more creative when executing them.”
Some movies won’t ever be everyone’s cup of tea. Despite our preferences, most can agree that The Conjuring has greatly impacted the community through scary movies and has left most terrified of what may live in their homes.