This past season, the marching band and the colorguard performed their show entitled “Dash,” based on a poem by Linda Ellis, which demonstrated the race through life.
The performance highlights birth, graduation, wealth, marriage, and death. As the band performed songs like “Pomp and Circumstance”, “The Wedding March”, and “Money” by Pink Floyd, the colorguard performers acted out each stage of life, with the guard wearing racing uniforms and carrying flags during the money section of the show.
“It is a team sport, the whole band and guard have to come together to make the show happen and that’s what I think is so beautiful about it,” said Reagan Gooch, the captain of the colorguard.
With the addition of 81 freshmen to the marching band this year, a major accomplishment of the season was learning how to work and perform together as a team. Section leaders are a key part to ensuring the music and the movements come together to tell a story. Leadership is crucial to success, and ultimately what helped lead them to state this year.
Naomi Lafiette said, “‘everyone is a leader’ – a phrase my band director, Dallas Bayless, always says to refer to how every person has the opportunity to lead the people around them through their character, commitment and actions.”